Despite A Slowing Economy

Top Tech Talent Is Still In Peak Demand

...And It's Not Letting Up Anytime Soon

My name is Michele Tassinari, Founder of Synergy Solutions, and I help Tech Leaders field top-class teams blazingly-fast, without bombarding you with hundreds of irrelevant resumes, and without making you spend an 'arm and a leg' in the process .

Are you looking for championship-caliber technical talent? Or...are you confidentially looking for your next strategic career move? Book a call below and let's get started.

It could be the most profitable conversation you've had in a long time.

The demand for tech talent continues to outpace supply, particularly in the Tech & Engineering ecosystems.

This leaves software executives frustrated trying to manage understaffed tech teams, unfilled job openings, potential profit losses, and increased risk of making the wrong hire.

The result? Decreased moral, higher turnover rates, missed project deadlines, and more stress. All of these consequences are directly related to a flawed recruitment process.

Add to that the fact that championship-caliber talent ignores most recruiters and avoids job boards like the plague, and just makes your job as a leader even harder.

That's why at Synergy Solutions, our promise to you is simple:

We will move mountains to build the team of your dreams.

Trusted By

Lesley Sattin | Top Banana | Monkey Joe Speak

Michele takes the time to make sure she understands your needs for staffing and she SOMEHOW finds the perfect person for you. NO sweat no fuss; your next perfect fit employee is just a short interview away!

Kellie Castro | Director | Reliance Building Services

Michele and her partner, Tom, are a power couple when it comes to recruiting specialized talent in the areas of Technology, Engineering and Sales. More than experienced recruiters, they are dedicated business owners, entrepreneurs and offer a solid professional background based on a variety of experience."

"Over the past 6 years, they have become business partners and respected friends of mine. They are knowledgeable and extremely trustworthy – what Synergy!

Sherilyn Cunningham | Client Service Supervisor | Paychex

I have had the pleasure of working with Michele on and off for the last several years. Michele is a professional and knowledgeable resource and I have enjoyed working with her."

"Michele can be depended upon to understand your needs and fulfill your requirements.
